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Tree Reports

A tree report is written to identify a tree/s overall condition and advise on how to care for the tree/s in the short and long-term. The report may consist of assessing an individual tree or a stand or group of trees for health or safety and which may require future management and maintenance.


If applying for a resource consent regarding works around a protected tree, an arborists report is often required to support the application.

Do you have a protected tree that you believe is in decline or a health and safety concern?

SimplyArb carries out tree reports to accompany Resource Consent applications (if the tree has been assessed initially and has been shown to be in decline or a health and safety concern). 

Do you have a tree that has been damaged by works carried out by a third party or has been damaged in a storm event?

SimplyArb carries out tree reports to ensure the correct long-term measures are put in place to ensure the safety of people, property and assets. 

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